
New Release: The Art Exhibit at ICIDS 2019 Art Book

The ETC Press is proud to announce the release of the The Art Exhibit at ICIDS 2019 Art Book.

This volume collects documentation of the 2019 International Conference on Interactive Digital Storytelling (ICIDS) Art Exhibition and new scholarly texts from the artists involved. The works collected here explore interactive storytelling through the broad lens of the curated theme: The Expression of Emotion in Humans and Technology. Charles Darwin argued almost 150 years ago, the Universal Nature of Expression; which is to say that, “the young and the old of widely different races, both with man and animals, express the same state of mind by the same movements.” As technology, robotics, and artificial intelligence advances, it seems appropriate to ask how we might interpret and understand expressions of emotion from technology.

About Carnegie Mellon University’s ETC Press

ETC Press is a publishing imprint with a twist. We publish books, but we’re also interested in the participatory future of content creation across multiple media. We are an academic, open source, multimedia, publishing imprint affiliated with the Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and in partnership with

ETC Press publications will focus on issues revolving around entertainment technologies as they are applied across a variety of fields. Authors publishing with ETC Press retain ownership of their intellectual property. ETC Press publishes a version of the text with author permission and ETC Press publications will be released under Creative Commons licenses. Every text is available for free download, and we price our titles as inexpensively as possible because we want people to have access to them. We’re most interested in the sharing and spreading of ideas.