
New Release: Intrinsic Rewards in Games and Learning

The ETC Press is proud to announce the release of Intrinsic Rewards in Games and Learning, by Kevin Miklasz.

Although reward structures have generally been successful in games, the types of rewards used in education typically impede the learning process. New forms of educational rewards, like badges and micro-credentials, have generally failed to take root because of deep-seated design constraints in educational systems; the fact that you are using a badge is far less important than how you use a badge. This book makes the case that games have used well-designed, meaningful, intrinsic reward structures, while educational systems have often used poorly-designed, meaningless, extrinsic reward structures. Without dissecting and addressing the reasons for this discrepancy, attempts to revolutionize educational reward systems in a game-based manner are doomed to failure.

About Carnegie Mellon University’s ETC Press

ETC Press is a publishing imprint with a twist. We publish books, but we’re also interested in the participatory future of content creation across multiple media. We are an academic, open source, multimedia, publishing imprint affiliated with the Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) at Carnegie Mellon University (CMU) and in partnership with

ETC Press publications will focus on issues revolving around entertainment technologies as they are applied across a variety of fields. Authors publishing with ETC Press retain ownership of their intellectual property. ETC Press publishes a version of the text with author permission and ETC Press publications will be released under Creative Commons licenses. Every text is available for free download, and we price our titles as inexpensively as possible because we want people to have access to them. We’re most interested in the sharing and spreading of ideas.