ETC Press is excited to announce the start of the Well Played: a journal on video games, value and meaning.
Well Played Journal

ETC Press is excited to announce the start of the Well Played: a journal on video games, value and meaning.
ETC Press is excited to announce the release of "Virtual Body Language" by Jeffrey Ventrella.
ETC Press is excited to announce the release of "Well Played 2.0: Video Games, Value and Meaning" by Drew Davidson et al. Following on Well Played 1.0, this book is full of in-depth close readings of video games that parse out the various meanings to be found in the experience of playing a game. Contributors analyze sequences in a game in detail in order to illustrate and interpret how the various components of a game can come together to create a fulfilling playing experience unique to this medium. Contributors are again looking at video games in order to provide a...
ETC Press is proud to announce the publication of "Real Time Research: Improvisational Game Scholarship," by Seann Dikkers, Eric Zimmerman, Kurt Squire, and Constance Steinkuehler. Real-Time Research is based on a series of workshops conducted by the authors, as they pursued a new kind of interdisciplinary game experimentation. Real-Time Research is a new kind of on-the-spot scholarship. At a series of conferences, the authors of this book asked academics, educators, and designers to collaborate on short-term, improvisational research projects - usually completed within 48 hours. What they found out - by way of sock puppets, video interviews, and lots of...
ETC Press is excited to announce the release of 'Cross-Media Communications: an Introduction to the Art of Creating Integrated Media Experiences' by Drew Davidson et al. This text is an introduction to the future of mass media and mass communications - cross-media communications. Cross-media is explained through the presentation and analysis of contemporary examples and project-based tutorials in cross-media development. The text introduces fundamental terms and concepts, and provides a solid overview of cross-media communications, one that builds from a general introduction to a specific examination of media and genres to a discussion of the concepts involved in designing and...
ETC Press is proud to announce the publication of "Toward a Ludic Architecture: The Space of Play and Games" by Steffen P. Walz. The book is a pioneering publication, architecturally framing play and games as human practices in and of space. "Toward a Ludic Architecture" is the fifth book published by ETC Press. It's a playful look at the conceptual space of play and games, and a must-read for analyzing and designing play and games from an architectural standpoint. Whether we think of a board game, an athletic competition in a stadium, a videogame, playful social networking on the World...
ETC Press is proud to announce our first publication for 2010 with the release of Jose P. Zagal's, Ludoliteracy: Defining, Understanding, and Supporting Games Education. It seems like teaching about games should be easy. After all, students enjoy engaging with course content and have extensive experience with videogames. However, games education can be surprisingly complex. This book explores ludoliteracy, or the question of what it means to understand games, by looking at the challenges and problems faced by students taking games-related classes. In response to these challenges, this book then describes how online learning environments can be used to support learning...
ETC Press is excited and pleased to announce the release of: Well Played 1.0: Video Games, Value and Meaning 22 contributors (developers, scholars, reviewers and bloggers) look closely at some of their favorite video games, and explore the experience of playing those games. Well Played 1.0 is meant to be the first book in a series. We're already planning 1.5 (with contributors writing on the some of the same games found in 1.0) and 2.0 (with contributors writing on new games that aren't covered in 1.0).
Carnegie Mellon University's Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) Press debuts the publication of "Beyond Fun: Serious Games and Media" this month. The book features the work of more than 15 international contributors examining how games and media can impact learning. Topics include cheating and violence in video games, the use of games in classrooms, and how media tools such as simulations and blogs can foster learning and a new digital, procedural literacy. Instead of completely separate individual articles, the contributors to "Beyond Fun: Serious Games and Media" have orchestrated the articles together, reading and writing as a whole so that concepts..., the premier marketplace for digital content on the Internet, is partnering with the Entertainment Technology Center (ETC) at Carnegie Mellon University to showcase new creative endeavors launched through the ETC Press, a new academic publishing imprint. With, ETC Press has flexibility in publishing without the limitations encountered by traditional publishing. ETC Press is an innovative experiment into the future of publication, and as such, authors and contributors who publish through ETC Press will retain ownership of their intellectual property. All ETC Press publications will be released under a Creative Commons license, and will also have associated websites to...