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In this special issue we explore a third sense of well played from the perspective of ethics and videogames and what it means to “play well”, or for a game to have been “well played.” From successfully cheating, to winning at all costs, to playing casually, to being a good sport, playing well can seem to have different connotations. Considering an ethical sense of well played highlights issues about players and their values and who they are, or aspire to be as people.
The games we choose to “play well” could be seen to reflect on our character and integrity. For instance, could you be a bad person for playing ultra-violent videogames well, or should you be celebrated for your skills and abilities to lie and deceive your opponents in a game of Poker? This third sense of well played, encourages us to think about the contexts and virtues of trying to play well.

Creative Chaos describes the dynamic process of collaborative design and development within interdisciplinary teams as they work to create something together. Creativity is wonderfully complex and chaotic, and at Carnegie Mellon University’s Entertainment Technology Center we often describe what we do as “creative chaos” in that it’s not necessarily a process within which you ever have complete control.
News & Blog
For a companion to the retrospective, we invite authors to submit essays that articulate how games have been a part of their pandemic experience, and the value and role games have had in their lives this past year. By analyzing these gameplay experiences, we hope to highlight how much games can matter.
The ETC Press is proud to announce the release of Well Played Retrospective: The Past, Pandemic and Future of Video Games, Value and Meaning, edited by Drew Davidson, Ira Fay, Clara Fernandez-Vara, Jane Pinckard, & John Sharp.
The ETC Press is proud to announce the release of Well Played, Vol. 10, No. 2: A Special Issue on Playable Theatre, by Celia Pearce and Nick Fortugno.
The ETC Press is proud to announce the release of the Teaching the Game: A collection of syllabi for game design, development, and implementation, Vol. 1 & Vol. 2, edited by Richard E. Ferdig, Emily Baumgartner, & Enrico Gandolfi.
The ETC Press is proud to announce the release of the Transactions of the Digital Games Research Association (Vol 5, No. 2), edited by Hanna Wirman.
The ETC Press is proud to announce the release of Well Played, Vol. 10, No. 1: A Special Issue on Escape Rooms, edited by Clara Fernández-Vara and Ira Fay.
The ETC Press is proud to announce the release of Intrinsic Rewards in Games and Learning, by Kevin Miklasz.
The Proceedings of the 2020 Connected Learning Summit features 23 peer-reviewed research papers accepted for presentation at the 2020 Connected Learning Summit.